laptos, tables and mibiles

Hello! I'm Henry Tabima Giraldo. Mechatronic engineer, Full-Stack JavaScript and Ruby developer, and lifelong learner.

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About me

I entered into the world of programming at the age of twelve by learning C ++, thanks to the after-school programming lessons given by my school. I graduated from university as a mechatronic engineer and then began a specialization in energy efficiency.

In 2016 I graduated from group 22 (PL22) of the leadership program of the Transformarte-Cali center (a foundation based on John Hanley's methodology), and in 2018 as Senior of Promotion 5 from the In5ideÜ center.

In February 2019, I started the Microverse software development program and completed the main technical curriculum six months later. During that time I did pair programming, practiced English, followed standard gitflows, mentored junior developers, and performed code reviews.

Thanks to Platzi , I'm currently learning about the latest technologies in web and software development. You can see the certificates from approved courses HERE.

I love reading, playing the guitar, and creating, and am always learning something new.


Feel free to get in touch via social media or by using the form below.